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“Bold Call” Fantasy Football Week 3 Waiver Wire Podcast by DFS Army (FREE!)

Week 2 fantasy football was decimated with key injuries.  Where should you turn to repair the damage?  Let SeasonLongSez guide you through both sensible and brave decisions as you position yourself for league-wide domination!  Your draft is only the starting point.  How you manage your roster will determine if you have what it takes to hoist the trophy…

Week 3 Fantasy Football Waiver Wire Podcast

Find out:

  • Should you push your chips in on Mike Davis?
  • Which Giants RB is the best add?
  • Sneaky SuperFlex QBs

Whether you play season-long fantasy football or daily fantasy sports of all kinds, our coaches help teach you the fundamentals of winning through our discussion channels.  We dive into your game and help you find and plug the leaks keeping you from achieving your potential.  Learn more here… DFS Army VIP Program.

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