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DFS Army Daily Fantasy Football Podcast – How VIP Member Teammoney22 Won the FanDuel Sunday NFL Million

Welcome to the DFS Army Daily Fantasy Football Podcast – How DFS Army VIP Member Teammoney22 Won the Fanduel Sunday NFL Million.  Join the DFS Army today and gain access to all of the tools Teammoney22 used to create his $125,000 lineup including our daily/weekly coaches notes for all sports, Domination Station Optimizer, Research Stations, Free and VIP Articles, Coaching, and more!

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Do you want access to the most advanced Daily Fantasy and Season Long NFL content in the industry? How about the chance to talk player picks and lineups with our NFL DFS Pros and like-minded players? DFS Army VIP Members get all of that PLUS access to our best in the industry projections and optimization tools. Go to DFS Army VIP membership and use promo code GEEK to lock in at 20% off the monthly membership fee. You won’t find a better deal or a better DFS team.