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DFS Army Opening Day MLB 2019 Tool Tour for Draftkings and Fanduel Lineups and Strategy

Welcome to another season of MLB DFS!  Thursday kicks off another glorious summer season of daily fantasy domination, and I have a few video tours to show you regarding some of the changes we have implemented this offseason in an attempt to #RaiseYourEdge and make you the most efficient and strongest player you can be.

Our VIPs have built a tremendous track record of winning, and we are always looking for like-minded, pride-filled winners to join us at the tops of leaderboards.  Simply click the link below to join our community of experts and members using a teach-first approach to DFS.

–> Join DFS Army <–

As an added bonus, we are offering a 20% discount to those using coupon code OPENINGDAY through the early part of the season.  Don’t hesitate, as this coupon code is only around for a limited time.

Video 1 – Starting Lineups Page

Related:  MLB Strategy Links – Get brushed up on the fundamentals!

Sometimes you need numbers…..lots of numbers.  Our next video introduces you to enough statistics to build a team of accountants.  But, it also contains one magic number that saves you all the time a team of accounts can save you…

Video 2 – Research Station Statistics