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NFL Preseason Week 2 Research Station Friday by xBenJamminx

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to my on twitter @xBenJamminx or in our Slack chat.

Here’s a link to the Research Station I set up showing the Preseason Week 1 Stats as well as Chris N’s Ratings and Comments for Week 2 *Friday*

Players highlighted Yellow are from a player pool I set up this morning..

This RS will be updated throughout the night.

Posted *1:10pm*

Updated: *3:25pm*

Important Usage Info. Credit FantasyPros.com Ethan Sauers for the info, check out his article to see the pictures that show the data that’s referenced.

  • If Team X has 3 or 4 QBs, this is how much of a snap share they generally get by week.
  • Example: If a team has 4 QBs on the roster, generally Week 2 of preseason the Starter sees about 21% of the game, the QB2 sees about 31% and the 3rd and 4th String sees about 24%
  • Between Weeks 1/2, the QB2 (Backup) sees the majority of the palying time amongst the other QBs on the roster..
  • RBs 3/4 Play the most in a 5 RB situation where RBs 2/3/4 see the most in a 6 Rb situation
  • WRs are much more spread out in week 2, where you can expect the starters to start getting a bit more run (double week 1)
  • TE starters see double the time they did in week 1