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Daily Fantasy Football Contributor Contest

DFS Army is looking for the next great Daily Fantasy Football contributor and we’ve decided to turn it into a competition. Our goal is to find a hidden gem. A Daily Fantasy Football writer/contributor that is putting out incredible content while toiling in obscurity. The winner of this contest will receive a $100 prize and an offer to write a regular column for DFS Army during the 2018 NFL season with the opportunity to be elevated to a full-blown coaching position.  This is a chance to get paid for your work!

WHEN:  The contest takes place between Wednesday, July 11th through Sunday, July 29th.

Submissions should be emailed to [email protected] with the subject line – Contributor Competition

HOW:  We would like you to start by sending over a cover letter with your bio. Tell us about your experience both in fantasy football and DFS in general. We are looking for concepts that take a data-driven approach to daily fantasy football which concludes in actionable data that our members will be excited to read and apply to their DFS lineups. We are looking for an individual that is a self-starter that does not need us to direct their creativity. Bring innovative ideas that are backed up by real data. Contestants should submit samples of previous writing.

Preferred but not required:

The ideal applicant should be a higher volume DFS player with a robust social media presence.

Contestants should have a history of writing daily fantasy football related articles or sharing their tools/models and send links or samples for us to view

We are looking for someone that is as obsessed with daily fantasy football as we are.