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How to Use the Domination Station on a Chromebook for DraftKings and FanDuel

Domination Station Using a Chromebook

Hello DFS Army! I sent out a quick poll in Slack this past week asking if anybody would be interested in an article that broke down the steps for using the Domination Station with a Chromebook. I had my friend and fellow staff member, ram8727 help me with this little diddy so make sure you thank him if this applies to you!

For those that learn best by having a step by step written outline, this section of the article is for you. This is also how I learn, as videos and podcasts are hard for me to digest the information without having it idle and right in front of my eyes each and every time that I need to remind myself of what to do next. If that’s not you then go ahead and scroll down to the next section.

Written Outline

  1. Go to the FanDuel upcoming section *or* DraftKings lineups “edit entries” section
  2. Download the CSV file
  3. Open the file
  4. Save file as Google Sheets and leave that tab open
  5. Run the Domination Station
  6. Click “All” and download the CSV in the DS
  7. Open the DS CSV
  8. Copy the DS CSV
  9. Paste the DS CSV into the appropriate columns in the Google Sheets (from step number 4)
  10. Go to file in the top left corner and save as CSV
  11. Upload into FanDuel in the “upcoming CSV edit” section or in the DraftKings “upload” section