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DFS Army DFS MLB Video Series – Fundamentally Focused

Welcome to a video classroom style series designed to teach our newest MLB players how to build fundamentally sound lineups.  I’m @Choppodong, and am one of the contributors inside our little community.  I specialize in teaching you the ins and outs of bankroll management, contest selection, the basics of lineup construction, and even some more advanced topics as I grow and learn along with you.  Good thing we have much more experienced and intelligent coaches to get you past me once you get there.  I’m here to get you started right.

MLB 101 – Which Site to Play and Why

Part one focused on which site to play.  We talked about point scoring differences and some construction nuances.  You can find that video right here….


MLB 102 – Reading Vegas, Ballparks, and Weather

Part two will now focus on reading Las Vegas.  We all know Vegas is a common DFS guide.  But, how do we use it?  I’ll show you, and I’ll also tie Vegas in with ballpark advantages and weather factors.  I’m not a meteorologist, but I can show you how important weather can be when it comes to DFS MLB.  Join me….

Bookmark this page and come back as I announce updates!