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THE HARD NINE — A How To Beginner’s DFS MLB Guide to Winning (Overview)

Many of us know about playing a “hard nine.”  Hustle to the end.  It ain’t over till it’s over.  Many of us will finish the job, if we only know where to start.  However, when it comes to daily fantasy baseball, there really isn’t a definitive MLB guide to help the beginner that wants to play a hard nine.  Let’s fix that.

Daily Fantasy Sports are a lot of fun.  Most of us get started with NFL and branch out from there.  A lot of us are newer, though, to the grind of DFS MLB.  The goal of this series is to teach you how to field a competitive lineup in an efficient manner.  If you want to believe there is significance in whether the batter has 7 or 8 cleats on his left shoe, then I won’t stop you from digging into statistics like my mom into my guilt.  Have at it.  I just don’t believe it needs to go into a range that diabolical.  (Sorry, mom.)  I believe the sport of baseball, when judged through the microscope of daily scrutiny, is best investigated from a macro view and with a KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) approach.

Photo courtesy of NY Times

MLB Guide Contents

This MLB guide will be broken down into nine parts.  Coincidentally, a full baseball game.  We will cover:

If we are tied at the end of nine, we go to extra innings.  So, we might also see:

  • 10th Inning – Ballpark Factors
  • 11th Inning – Variance and Volatility
  • 12th Inning – Bankroll Management
  • 13th Inning – Contest Selection
  • 14th Inning – Ladder UP!

Closing Role

By then, I’m sure we’ll all be exhausted and the bullpen will be out of gas, too.  As I post these articles, my plan is to come back to this main page and attach the links to the appropriate innings to make them easy to find and follow along.  Some articles will naturally be longer than others, but the hope is to bring you up to speed quickly and efficiently without requiring you to relive your college cramming days.  I mean, we all would rather have a beer and watch a ballgame instead of hole up in a library cubby and just read about it, am I right?

@Choppodong is a contributor and coach for dfsarmy.com and specializes in bringing new players up to speed quickly.  Follow him on Twitter or in the VIP slack forums by clicking either of the preceding links.  Use his code 20-OFF for a 20% lifetime discount if you decide to join the Army.