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DFS Video for Both NFL and NHL – Advice and Strategy Talk for Draftkings Week 6 (10-12-17)

Well, I may have jumped the shark today.  I was asked to compile a quick video for NFL Draftkings Week 6 due to tight pricing.  We build from the “bottom up” in that one to show you how you can still have more than $8000 left over for upgrades!  Then, also being asked to put out a quick slate review for NHL on Draftkings.  You know the adage………two birds, one stone.  So, you get them both!!

If interested in NFL, the first 22 minutes are for you.  If interested in NHL, we start at minute mark 23.  If you like both, watch both in under 45 minutes.  If you like neither, well, I don’t know what to tell you because this will be a complete waste of your time.  Hopefully, it’s not a waste of anyone else’s.

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NFL and NHL Rolled into One Video


Enjoy!!  Check our website and twitter handles for even more content every week, every sport!