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eSport Acing Powered by PVAaron League of Legend


League of legend (LoL) is one of the biggest games being played at this time, and it’s eSports’ biggest sport currently offered.  This guide is going to help you get involved and hopefully win at LoL on both of Draftkings and Alphadrafts (pricing information is focused on DK, but you will easily be able to gain information for AD).

Have you wondered how you can join the DFS Army?  Well I have an easy enough solution for you.  All you have to do is click right here to join.

Joining will get you some pretty cool things, but most importantly you will get access to our Slack chat and direct access to all of our pros (MLB/PGA/Nascar/NFL/NBA).  Now you also get ALL sports for the same low price!

There is also a deal that gets you a free month of access if you join Draftkings and make your first deposit.  Just follow that link to get all of the important information!

If you want to join Alphadraft and support everything I do here just follow the link by clicking – HERE – If you are not a member of the DFS Army, and follow that link to sign up and deposit for the first time, you now get your first month FREE!  Just follow the same information you would from joining DK.


Welcome to the 2nd to last Sunday NA LCS eSports Acing.  The only problem is that this is a horrible slate.  NRG will face TL, TSM will take on nV, C9 goes against p1, and CLG plays Fox.  Sure this kind of a slate sounds great, but the problem is the way DK prices things.  All of the stud teams are facing bottom teams.  That means that all of the tops teams are priced like top teams, and only the bottom teams offer any value.  This makes DFS extremely hard since we really cannot build a lineup with all studs, and everyone else is a guess.

For my money I would say the best teams to play are C9/TL from the stud side and NRG/P1.  For my money C9 is most likely to score big, and TL tends to also have bloody matches.  The reason NRG and P1 make for good value is they both have the best ability to pull off an upset.  While not likely 2 of the maps for the win, they can still pull off 1 win.  That gives us great chance for some points.

I would give you a full player write up, but in matches like this my best suggestion is don’t play.  Smart DFS means playing when we can pick smart to give us the best shot at winning.  This requires a lot of guess work and a lot of hope.