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Boomer’s Baller’s 1/8/2016

Good Afternoon!  I hope everyone is having a great week and I can’t wait till we get going tonight. Have a ton of games.  If you caught the projections this morning then fantastic.  If you didn’t, then you can grab them here.

NBA Projections

This is going to be short today, I’ve been spending a lot of the spare writing time finalizing the Beginner’s Guy for everyone.

Here are your NBA Cheat Sheet PDF and NBA Cheat Sheet


Good Luck tonight everyone.  This week has been extremely hectic for me, we will be getting back to normal on Monday!

As always, if you haven’t heard already, make sure that you check out the DFS Army NBA Podcast with Al Walsh and myself on Wednesday’s and Friday’s.  It’s a lot of fun!

Good luck tonight everyone!